Finally, it’s another weekly episode of the
What’s new this week? A lot.
Twenty minutes
I’ve been editing and arranging the video, getting all the sands in order. As part of this, I’ve been cutting up and stretching around different pieces. This has caused some bits of music to get very disformed and messed up. It’s got to a point where I’ve completely blasphemised Ivan’s original score.
He said he’d be happy to do a better version of some of my edits. It’s funny, the same exact thing happened with Flora when I first tried to draw berd using her artstyle. Sometimes I can secure help just by doing something infuriatingly badly!
The video has changed quite a bit since Ivan made the first batch of music, so I had to update the shared plan to show him what will happen. The main difference is that it has quite a long section of lower energy, which is quite unusual for a (more recent) sandpond saga video.
Oh, and also, it’s currently a twenty minute video.
Four point five billion years
This week, I’ve also been planning a future video. It’s not one of the choices from the vote. It’ll come out a long long long from now, maybe multiple years away.